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Arredondo Elementary School

Home of the Jaguars

Registration & Campus Information

New Student Enrollment for 2024-2025

Needed Documentation for Registration
We are excited to welcome any future Jaguars to Arredondo.  If you need to register your child, please log onto and click on the "Register Online" button.  You will be prompted to enter a valid email address to complete the registration process.  Once this is complete, you can email the required documentation to Ms. Julie Chapa at  You can speak with Ms. Maggie Polendo or Ms. Julie Chapa if you have any questions about the registration process.  Email the following items to complete your registration:     


  • Certified Birth Certificate 
  • Social Security Card 
  • Immunization Record 
  • Current Proof of Residence (examples are electric, gas, water, cable or telephone bill, contract on home or lease agreement) 
  • Parent/Guardian Driver's License (address must match home address) 
  • Previous school records such as a report card 

School Uniforms

Our Jaguars are required to wear uniform dress.  The school uniforms are:

Bottoms:  Solid khaki, navy, or black shorts, skirts, capris, pants, or jumpers. Blue or black denim pants, skirts, or shorts may be worn any day (no holes in jeans.)

Shirts: Any solid colored, collared shirt/blouse or Arredondo t-shirt. 

All shirts must be tucked in unless it is a DRESS DOWN DAY. 

Campus Information
Any new families to the Arredondo Attendance Zone:

Please complete the online registration portion and then email the required documents to Ms. Julie Chapa at

After School Care
We are happy to partner with Gingerbread Kids Academy for our on-site after school care provider. If you would like information about the program, please call Gingerbread Kids Academy directly at 281-239-2110.